The Various Symptoms of Pregnancy Can Sneak Up on a Woman

Different people react differently to the notion that they could be pregnant. Some women might suspect they're expectant within the first few days, while others don't suspect until they miss their periods. However, having a pregnancy test is the most precise way to determine if you're pregnant or not. This test measures the HCG hormone, which starts developing in your body since conception and will increase rapidly during the early stages of your pregnancy. However, your body may take time to accumulate enough HCG to display on a pregnancy test. Basically, it takes about 3-4 weeks since the first day of your previous period before your body accumulates enough HCG for positive results. Nevertheless, there are numerous early pregnancy symptoms you might experience. Not everyone will exhibit these signs, and some people might not show any of these things. Symptoms of pregnancy vary dramatically between women throughout the gestation period. Thus, don't compare your pregnancy to anybody else's.
1 - Breast Changes
Your breasts can become extra tender in the next seven days after you conceive. Hormone levels vary drastically throughout your pregnancy, causing numerous changes in your body, including the breasts. You might notice your breasts have become painful, swollen, heavy, or sensitive. Your nipples may also start to enlarge and darken. Breast changes can be troubling during the early phases of pregnancy. However, when your body gets used to hormonal changes, you will find that most of these signs will begin fading.
2 - Frequent Urination
Even before you miss your period, you may notice some changes to your normal bathroom routine. During pregnancy, your blood increases, causing your kidneys to filter excess fluid that leaves your body as urine. As a result, you tend to urinate more regularly than usual. While this is a common symptom during pregnancy, other conditions, such as urinary tract infections and diabetes, can cause similar signs. Thus, consult your doctor if you think regular urination might result from another condition.
3 - Cramping and Spotting
The inseminated egg gets attached to the uterine wall right after conception. Besides other signs, this can cause spotting, and in some cases, cramping that's similar to that you experience during regular periods. We refer to this spotting as implantation bleeding and usually occurs 6-12 days after fertilization. In most cases, people often mistake early pregnancy cramps for the onset of a period. However, the cramping and spotting are mild during the early stages of pregnancy and lessen over time. Besides cramping and spotting, you may notice a white, thick discharge from your vagina. It occurs when the vaginal walls thicken soon after conception. You can notice this discharge throughout the pregnancy, and it's harmless and doesn't need treatment. But if you notice the discharge is smelly or experience a burning sensation, see your doctor to determine if you've bacterial or yeast infection.
4 - Nausea Without or With Vomiting
You can get affected by morning sickness at any time of the day and usually starts 1-2 months of pregnancy. However, some women experience nausea early while others don't experience it. In addition, you can experience nausea without vomiting-this varies from woman to woman. Although the precise cause of morning sickness during pregnancy remains unknown, pregnancy hormones probably contribute. Even if nausea during pregnancy is relatively normal, it might become problematic if you get dehydrated. Women who can't keep down fluids and foods due to extreme nausea could be suffering from a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum. Contact your doctor if you're experiencing excessive nausea. But in the meantime, ensure you eat a healthy diet to ensure you and your developing baby get important nutrients.
5 - Missed Period
A missed period is among the most obvious early pregnancy signs. However, not all delayed or missed periods occur due to a pregnancy. Weight gain or loss, stress, and hormonal changes can interfere with your cycle. Thus, you cannot be sure you're pregnant until you have a positive pregnancy test and have it confirmed by a medical care provider. If seven days have passed and you've not received your period yet, you might be pregnant. However, a missed period is an unreliable sign if you undergo an irregular cycle. If there's a great chance you could be pregnant, have a pregnancy test first.
6 - Fatigue
Most women experience fatigue during the initial pregnancy stages. You might start feeling abnormally tired as early as seven days after you conceive. Fatigue is often associated with high levels of hormones. However, other factors, including low blood pressure, low blood sugar levels, and increased blood production, can all play a role. If this fatigue is pregnancy-related, ensure you get enough rest. Eating foods rich in iron and protein can also help alleviate it.