Make Sure You Have Everything You Need in Your Hospital Bag

When you're planning an extended stay in the hospital, it's important to have everything you need to ensure you're comfortable and accommodated. For pregnant women who plan to deliver their baby in the hospital, there are many items necessary to bring along to make the transition into motherhood easier. If you want to have all the right items in your hospital go bag, there are a few important products to pack. This will prevent a spouse or friend from making a trip to your home to pick up any essentials you may accidentally leave behind. Packing a hospital go bag isn’t complicated really, but it’s something that is really easy to get wrong. This article will focus on the essentials that any hospital go bag need to contain.
1 - Toiletries
When you stay overnight in the hospital, you'll want to take a shower and bathe to ensure you can feel clean and comfortable. There are various toiletries to pack, including your own loofah or washcloth, shampoo, and conditioner. Some women even pack their razors to use if they have the energy to shave. You'll also want to bring along a toothbrush, toothpaste, and moisturizer. Although the hospital will have many of these items, you can feel better using your own items and avoid requesting different products from your nurse.
2 - Robe
You'll feel a lot cozier and at ease wearing your own robe instead of spending all your time in a hospital gown after you deliver your baby or undergo surgery. A robe can offer more coverage and allow you to have your own type of clothing to wear instead of sitting in something thin and flimsy. Choose a robe with dark colors to ensure it hides any dirt or stains that form during your stay until you can wash the garment. You can also pack a few loose and comfortable undergarments to wear to ensure you have extra protection.
3 - Slippers
Slippers are a must-have while spending a few days in the hospital because the floors can get dirty in the room. Without any slippers, you'll end up walking around in your socks or barefoot, which isn't the most sanitary option. Choose a pair of slippers with traction on the bottom to avoid slips and falls if you walk on a wet surface. This will also make it easier to have something to wear while walking around the hallways when you need to get some exercise. They should also be durable enough to throw in the washing machine once you get home from the hospital.
4 - A Baby Outfit
When you're planning for your little one's arrival, you'll want to pack a baby outfit that they can wear in the hospital. This will allow you to take their first photos, especially as you plan to announce their birth with your family members and friends. You can also pack a comb to brush through their hair. Mittens will also protect them from scratching their face. Don't worry about packing any diapers, as the hospital will provide you with everything you need to change them. A swaddle will also help your newborn baby sleep more comfortably and will mimic the feeling of being in the womb.
5 - Electronics
When you're spending time in the hospital, you can have a lot of down time that requires some entertainment. Consider packing your cell phone charger to ensure you can make phone calls and stay connected with your loved ones. You may also want to bring along a professional camera to ensure your spouse can take photos of your baby and capture your first few moments together. If you want to spend time online, bring a laptop and charger. This will allow you to respond to emails and stay productive if you're looking for something to do.
6 - Nursing Essentials
If you're planning on nursing your baby, it can come with a few challenges if you're not prepared. Consider packing nipple balm that helps soothe your skin as your baby learns to latch on each time they feed. Some women with inverted nipples may also want to pack a nipple shield to make it easier to nurse, which can aid the baby in finding the nipple and staying latched on until they're done feeding.