There Are Several Types of Ulcers That Can Harm People

Many people think of stomach ulcers every time the word ulcers is mentioned. The truth is, there are more types of ulcers than stomach ulcers. An ulcer is a sore that heals slowly and is likely to recur again. They can appear anywhere on the body, whether in the stomach lining or on the skin surface. Different ulcers are caused by different things and will be treated with different medications. Based on the ulcer one has, they can wait for it to clear on its own or might need to take medication or undergo other treatment. The only way to be sure of what the course of action should be is to see a doctor. They will assess the condition and come up with an appropriate treatment plan. Many people have no idea there are different types of ulcers. Learning about them can help one make the right decision when it comes to the treatment plan. Here are the most common types of ulcers that can harm people.
1 - Stomach Ulcers
The most common type of ulcer are stomach ulcers. They affect the stomach's inner lining, the upper portion of the intestine, and the esophagus. The main cause of these ulcers is the long-term use of painkillers and infections caused by the H pylori bacteria. The three types of stomach ulcers are gastric ulcers that affect the stomach lining, esophageal ulcers that affect the esophagus, and duodenal ulcers that affect the small intestine. If the cause of the pstomach ulcer is H pylori, the doctors recommend treating the infection using antibiotics. If the cause is long-term use of painkillers, doctors prescribe medication to reduce stomach acid and coat the stomach to reduce the acid damage.
2 - Arterial Ulcers
Arterial ulcers are open ulcers that affect the leg area, especially around the ankle and soles of the feet. They develop after damage to the arteries due to a lack of blood flow to the leg tissue. Arterial ulcers take a long time to heal and need to be treated aggressively to prevent further complications. Treatment of arterial ulcers will depend on the underlying cause. Most of the time, doctors work to ensure that blood circulation to the area is improved. In severe cases, the patient might require surgery to restore blood circulation to the affected areas. The worst-case scenarios of arterial ulcers require amputation since the area cannot be salvaged with any of the treatment methods.
3 - Venous Ulcers
Another common type of ulcer is venous ulcers. They develop below the knee and the inner surface of the ankle. The cause of this type of ulcer is damage to the veins caused by a lack of blood flow back to the heart. There are situations where these ulcers cause little to no pain, and there are times where they cause excruciating pain. All these depend on the patient and the underlying cause. Just like arterial ulcers, they take a while to heal, and in some cases, they might never even heal. The treatment option is to improve blood flow in the affected area. Doctors recommend surgery or compressing therapy to improve blood flow in the area.
4 - Mouth Ulcers
Also known as canker sores, they are small sores that develop at the mouth and tongue base. They are triggered by food allergies, biting the inside of one's mouth, bacterial infections, hard teeth brushing, or hormonal changes. They usually go away after a short while, although they can be painful and uncomfortable. Doctors recommend using antimicrobial mouthwash or ointment to help reduce the discomfort one might have. In a situation where a serious infection causes ulcers, seeking further treatment is recommended.
5 - Genital Ulcers
Another common type of ulcer is genital ulcers. They form on the genitals and are often a result of sexually transmitted infections. There are also situations where genital ulcers are triggered by trauma, inflammatory diseases, and allergies caused by skincare products. Finding out the cause of the ulcers will help the doctor come up with a good treatment plan. Treating the underlying cause ensures that the patient can deal with the ulcers and have them gone for good.