Get Plenty Of Fiber With These Fiber Rich Foods

It’s common to hear people talking about how important it is to regularly consume fiber. For one, it helps with weight regulation. It also minimizes the risk of numerous diseases like diabetes and cancer. Fiber is essential to overall health because it combines with waste and excess water to make passing stool easier. Fiber softens stools enough for elimination but bulky enough to remain firm and encourage regular bowel movements. Bodies that don’t get enough fiber are more likely to experience constipation, which leaves pounds of lingering waste.
Although it doesn’t happen immediately, toxins found in lingering waste slowly poisons the person until they can get rid of it. By consuming fiber everyday, people experience improved gut health, a longer life span, and even balanced blood sugar levels. Here’s a list of fiber-rich foods that make meeting daily fiber goals a breeze.
1 - Broccoli
Broccoli is one of the most nutritious greens available. This cruciferous vegetable is packed with nutrients, including fiber. Broccoli is known to improve gut bacteria and aid digestion. It can also be eaten raw in a salad or blended into a smoothie. It’s also great to cook but shouldn’t be cooked too much because excessive heating kills the amount of nutrients. Eating as little as one cup of broccoli provides at least five grams of fiber.
2 - Berries
For people who prefer a sweeter source of fiber, berries are the way to go. In addition to their versatility, they’re considered soluble fiber. Soluble fiber slows the digestive tract, which promotes longer terms of fullness. With fewer calories, the digestive tract has an easier time eliminating waste. There are many types of berries to choose from. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries can be found in nearly every grocery store. Consuming fresh or frozen berries provides optimal health benefits.
3 - Popcorn
Most snacks are unhealthy and contain little to no fiber. However, popcorn is a snack that’s fun to eat and has a high fiber content. In its natural state, popcorn is also a remedy for constipation. Be sure to avoid eating microwave popcorn with artificial ingredients. It’s best to consume natural popcorn without salt for better health results. Too much butter or fat on popcorn leads to further constipation symptoms. Three cups of natural popcorn contain up to four grams of fiber with only 10 calories.
4 - Whole Grains
Whole grains are known for their high amounts of fiber. Pasta, bread, and rice are examples of fiber-rich foods. A single slice of wheat bread contains up to three grams of fiber. Whole grains are healthier than white grains. During the process of converting to white grains, the majority of the nutrients are lost, including fiber. Health experts suggest eating bulgur, kamut, quinoa, and whole grain pasta because they have the highest amount of fiber per cup. For people who prefer eating whole grains in the morning, oatmeal is another fiber-rich option worth trying.
5 - Apples
Apples are a fruit the whole family can enjoy. One medium-sized apple averages five grams of fiber. Since they’re a versatile fruit, they can be added to nearly any meal. Health experts recommend getting at least 28 grams of fiber everyday. By combining apples and other fiber-rich foods, even small meals can help meet dietary requirements. For instance, apple slices and peanut butter both have fiber and make a great snack. Blending apples and berries into smoothies also help meet daily fiber goals. Avoid adding more sugar to apples. For instance, caramel apples cancel out the health benefits of eating apples alone.